Adults | MouthHealthy - Oral Health Information from the ADA

Dental health for adults

Advice for keeping your mature teeth and gums healthy, plus common dental concerns.

Mouth Healthy Man smiling
5 tips for handling the daily step that helps keep teeth and gums healthy for life.
Tips for safe, effective tooth whitening – and what to put in your big-day emergency kit.
4 essential steps in finding the dental practice that’s right for you. 

WATCH: 2 minutes, 2 times a day

Pro tips for brushing your way to a fresh, healthy mouth.

  • Care  and prevention
  • Fixing teeth
  • Nutrition
  • Special concerns

Keeping tooth decay at bay

Why cavity risks increase as you age – and the essential steps you can take every day to prevent decay.

The truth about tooth whitening

What makes teeth look dull or stained? And what are the safest, most effective ways to brighten your smile? 

Dealing with dry mouth

Prescription drugs and other medical issues can dry out your mouth, leaving teeth vulnerable to decay. Here’s how to help this common problem. 

Caring for your teeth when you’re sick

Giving teeth a little TLC when you’re down with a cold or the flu can make you feel better overall – and help prevent cavities, too. 

Painful mouth? Antibiotics might not be the answer

Antibiotics are less effective if we use them too often. Find out why dentists take extra care when prescribing these powerful medications. 

Common dental concerns for older adults

Good advice if you’re past 60: how to keep teeth and gums healthy, manage oral cancer risks, pay for dental care after retirement and more.

How do dental implants work?

If you have one or more missing teeth, implants may be the best way to resolve bite problems and restore your smile. 

Fillings that match your teeth

Composite fillings are custom-made to match your existing teeth. Here’s how your dentist uses them to restore your teeth.

Removable partial dentures

Learn how these lightweight replacement teeth can fill gaps, helping you chew and speak more easily again. 

9 foods that harm your teeth

Want to keep your teeth healthy for life? Keep these cavity-causing options off your plate. 

What to eat after you’ve had dental work

These foods are easier to eat after seeing the orthodontist or oral surgeon, or if you have issues like canker sores that can make mouths tender.

Can sparkling water damage your teeth?

Even though plain water is healthiest, research shows this bubbly option is fine, too – but choose carefully.

How methamphetamines destroy dental health

Meth mouth is a serious concern. Here are the facts about this street drug and its unhealthy impact on teeth and gums. 

Preventing gum disease

Healthy gums are the foundation for healthy teeth – and they’re a sign of total wellness, too. Here’s how to keep your gums in great shape. 

Resolving issues with your dentist

Even if you’ve always had a good relationship with your dentist, you may not agree on everything. Here’s how to handle a disagreement. 

Sexually transmitted diseases and your mouth

Herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis and other conditions that spread through sexual contact can harm your mouth. Here’s what to know and how to get help. 

Why stomach upset can be bad for your teeth

Acid reflux and other digestive problems can erode tooth enamel, opening the door for decay. Learn how to minimize the damage.

Coping with the cost of dental care

Learn how dental benefit plans work and where to find dental insurance for yourself or your family.