Dental Care Concerns | MouthHealthy - Oral Health Information from the ADA

Your Teeth Are Amazing!

Seeing an ADA dentist keeps them that way.

Photo of couple smiling

About Your Visit

Female dentist in clinic office
Follow these 4 steps to find the right dentist for your needs.
Smiling patient
Your top 9 questions about dental visits, answered!
Smiling baby
Get your little one ready for a lifetime of good dental health.
Anxious man on phone
3 helpful tips to ease anxieties about your next dental appointment.
Woman with hand on jaw with dental pain
12 signs that you should see your dentist as soon as possible.
The red cross emblem on a emergency kit tin
Immediate steps to take when you injure your teeth, jaw or mouth.

Paying for Dental Care

Learn how different plans work, from dental PPOs and HMOS to discount plans and more.
How to compare plans and find the one that works best for you. 
More about dental coverage offered through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace.
No dental coverage? Here are 7 ways to find dental care for kids and adults at reduced costs.

Ask an ADA Dentist

Mother brushing baby's teeth
When should you start brushing your child’s teeth?
Pea, toothbrush with pea sized toothpaste on it, top of toothpaste tube
Which kind is right for you?
Father, baby, and mother all smiling
Do bad teeth run in the family?
Top fourth view of several new bottles of water
Am I missing out on fluoride if I usually drink bottled water?
Baby smiling with two bottom teeth showing
They’ll fall out someday, so why do we need to keep them healthy?
Child brushing teeth
How can I encourage my child to brush?
Childs hands holding a lost tooth
What should I do when my child loses a baby tooth?
Closeup of brushing teeth with electric toothbrush
Do they clean teeth better than regular toothbrushes?
Older mother and daughter sitting on front stoop embracing
How can I help an older family member who’s having trouble brushing or flossing?
Person holding dental floss container
Can my dentist tell if I haven’t been brushing or flossing enough?
Close up of child's mouth with a loose bottom tooth
My child’s tooth is wiggling. Should I pull it out?
Top of toothbrush storage container with colorful toothbrushes displayed
What’s the best way to store my toothbrush after using it?